Smart Regions 3

The blog was created with new technologies in mind

Workplace technology is important, whether you’re a twenty-something employee trying to leverage the latest and greatest tools to make your job easier or a seasoned manager wondering how to improve employee motivation so that you can stay ahead of the curve with your team. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at five new technologies that will change the way you work and life in the future. These innovations will be disruptive; they won’t be mainstream but rather “near-future” trends that will become widespread in just a few years.

Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Technologies

VR and AR technologies have been around for a while but they have only recently seen the adoption by the business world. VR and AR have the ability to transport you to a new planet, let you see behind the closed doors of a company or even give you a truly “virtual” tour of your city. However, these technologies are being used more for entertainment and education these days, which means that more businesses are looking into the potential of these technologies for business use. The adoption of VR and AR in business is expected to skyrocket in the next few years, and we are likely to see a widespread adoption of these technologies in the year 2021.

AI and Machine Learning Technology

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence that uses computer algorithms to “learn” from data and make decisions based on what it has seen. AI can be used for many things but it’s been used in the manufacturing industry for a long time to automate processes and make better products. Companies are now turning to AI to automate their sales and marketing departments, however, and the adoption of AI by businesses is also picking up speed. We’re likely to see a dramatic increase in the use of AI in business in the next few years, particularly in the area of marketing. Businesses are now using AI to create personalized marketing campaigns, and retailers are using it to optimize their store inventory.

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Bots and Automation

Bots are computer programs that can be used to perform tasks such as scheduling tasks and automatically sending emails based on pre-determined rules. They are often programmed to interact with people and can be used to help with tasks such as scheduling meetings, sending virtual assistants to help with basic tasks or even creating online class assignments. Businesses are now using bots for a variety of different purposes, though. Businesses are using bots to automate repetitive tasks such as data entry or even for customer service. Companies are also using bots to create artificial intelligence for machine learning, which allows bots to “teach” humans how to do new tasks.

Human Machine Processes (HMP)

HMPs are computer systems that can “read” data and make decisions based on what they have seen. They have the ability to “see” information and make judgment calls based on facts and data, allowing HMPs to function as “bots” that can interact with humans. Machine learning and HMPs can now be combined to create a “thinking bot,” which is still in its infancy and expected to become a common sight in just a few years. We’re likely to see an increase in the use of HMPs in business in the year 2022, with the majority of companies using them in their back-end systems.

Cloud Computing and Virtual Networking

Cloud computing is a way of thinking about hosting applications or data on remote computers rather than on a server in your own building. Instead of paying for dedicated server space and electricity, you can host your applications or data on remote computers that you rent from a cloud provider. This allows you to save money in the short term and reduce your carbon footprint in the long term as less hardware and power are required to run the application. There are a number of different types of cloud computing, and the one that we’ll focus on here is virtual networking. Virtual networking allows you to host multiple applications or websites on the same server. This increases the available computing power on the server and increases the users’ engagement with the content as the server can now handle more things at once. This type of cloud computing is already common in business, with most companies hosting their applications or websites in the cloud. Growth in virtual networking is expected to be relatively rapid in the next few years, and we’ll likely see it take a large share of the market in 2022.

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New technologies are always disruptive, they shake up the status quo and often create a “new normal.” The adoption of these technologies will be slow in the beginning, but over time they will become more common and accepted. This will positively impact how we work and how we live, as we will start to see a shift in the way we access information and communicate with other people.

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About the author

I am a lover of new technologies used in the broadly understood world. These are my interests that I am going to archive on my blog.